I got pregnant three weeks after giving birth – people think I’m mad, it’s crazy but I love it


BEING a parent is tough, but having two very young children makes everything that bit more complicated. One woman, Leah Roberts, has two children that were born just nine months and three weeks apart, after she got pregnant three weeks after giving birth to her first daughter.

The mum-of-two gave birth to her babies in 2021 and took to the TikTok to reveal her unusual situation.

In her most recent video, she confirmed she has two daughters that are nine and a half months apart.

She uploaded the clip with the caption ‘They’re 9 months 3 weeks apart’.

Someone asked: “Did you really get the pregnant again 3 weeks after giving birth?” to which she confirmed: “2 daughters 9 and a half months apart. I did that”.

Leah confirmed: “My girls are my biggest blessing.

“Love my family so much, they don’t even know”.

Leah’s video has clearly shocked many, as it has quickly racked up 76k views.

TikTok users were left the stunned at Leah’s situation and he took to the comments to express this. 

One person said: “Omg I have a 9 month old and I couldn’t imagine having another now, super mama”. 

Another added: “Omg how did you ever manage to physically do it after 3 weeks????” to which Leah replied: “Just crazy I guess”. 

A third commented: “2 of mine are 10 months apart, the best mates now lol” to which Leah said “My youngest is 1 tomorrow. The best decision I made”. 

Someone else said: “Couldn’t wait long” to which Leah noted “Wouldn’t change a thing”. 

One user chimed in: “Ouch but the age of gap will be easy once you’re past 4 years old” to which Leah explained “Age gap now is easier now my eldest is walking”. 

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By Jackson

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