
People Select Bitsoft360? But Why? Let’s Find out!


Bitsoft360 has the potential to make your life easier. Moreover, its aim is to make crypto trading accessible to millions of people. Crypto trading bots have their advantages and disadvantages. However, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. So, let’s focus on the advantages. There is no shortage of crypto trading bots. Nevertheless, Bitsoft360 is a good option if you are looking for a crypto...

Ways To Start Investing In Commercial Real Estate


Commercial real estate is one of the most valuable investments that you can make. It’s also a great way to diversify your portfolio and build wealth over time. But how do you get started? Here are some tips to help you get started on your path toward investing in commercial real estate: Understand the Market Before you start investing, it’s important to carefully consider what kind of...

I’m A Celebrity Jungle Challenge attraction closes down for good leaving furious parents saying Christmas is ruined


ITV bosses have sparked fury after shutting down an I’m A Celeb family attraction – less than a week before the hit series returns to screens. TV chiefs shuttered the “jungle challenge” attraction in Manchester after only a year because it had become “financially unviable”. The short-lived attraction gave fans of the show the chance to swing from the...

I got pregnant three weeks after giving birth – people think I’m mad, it’s crazy but I love it


BEING a parent is tough, but having two very young children makes everything that bit more complicated. One woman, Leah Roberts, has two children that were born just nine months and three weeks apart, after she got pregnant three weeks after giving birth to her first daughter. The mum-of-two gave birth to her babies in 2021 and took to the TikTok to reveal her unusual situation. In her most...

I cleared the shelves when I spotted reduced Christmas essentials in my local shop – I’m trolled but I needed them


EVERYONE loves a bargain. So when Jessie Walker spotted a whole box of reduced wrapping paper and Christmas gift labels in her local McColls, she cleared the shelves. Jessie Walker is a New Adult/Contemporary romance author based out of Scranton, Pennsylvania, where she lives with her long-time partner and fur-spawn. Drawn to all things dark and twisted, nitty and gritty, she likes to pretend...

I’m a gran & wore a tattoo on my face for Halloween, it won’t come off, I’m worried I’ll have to go to work like this


A GRAN who put a temporary tattoo on her face for Halloween was left in a panic when she realised she couldn’t take it off for work the next day. Elizabeth Rose, 46, bought some scary-looking tattoo stickers for herself and her granddaughter but she quickly regretted putting them on their faces. Showing the temporary inking on her cheek and lip and forehead, she appears to have gone for the...

Watch as woman has her car towed away but refuses to back down – resorting to shocking measures


A WOMAN whose car was being towed away refused to back down and what she did next has amazed people. The video was uploaded to Twitter on the Social Drive channel and people in the comments couldn’t believe what they were seeing. The video has reached fifty thousand views on Twitter already. The incident took place in Sao Paolo, Brazil and starts with the woman running to get back her car...

Businessman with ‘ThIIckk’ number plate caught doing 97mph on motorway in £207,000 Ferrari


A BUSINESSMAN was clocked doing 97mph in a car with the number plate TH11CKK.John Perez, 37, had previously notched up 17 points for speeding in just one year. He told cops he was going fast because he was “just tired of driving”. His £207,000 Ferrari 488 Spyder was stopped on the M1 in North London in October last year, a court heard. He admitted speeding and illegally altering the plate by...

Amanda Holden manages to still look stunning in Halloween costume as she teams up with lookalike daughter


AMANDA Holden never wastes an opportunity to dress up, and has managed to make this year’s Halloween a doozy by teaming up with her young daughter. In photos shared on Instagram, the Britain’s Got Talent judge shared snaps of this year’s spooky costume, getting some inspiration from Disney for this magical recreation. Amanda has turned into the Wicked Queen from Snow White and...

Amanda Holden storms off set with Jimmy Carr after ‘rude’ remark from contestant on I Can See Your Voice


AMANDA Holden walked off set after a cutting remark from one of the contestants on I Can See Your Voice. The Britain’s Got Talent judge and her co-star Jimmy Carr are seen marching off the set. It came after a player called Haloo dismissed their assistance, saying: “I love you guys but you are no help.” At that Holden, 51, was seen rising from her chair and following comedian...

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